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Molly Dolly

Molly lived in San Lorenzo, California. She attended Chabot College in Hayward to take every art course available. Starting with drawing, she moved on to watercolor, followed by oil. Oil painting became her obsession. After Molly got divorced, she raised her two children alone while working many different jobs, and still found time for acting and singing in local Bay Area theater. She also sold small paintings to her co-workers and actors. 

Molly continued attending many art classes through H.A.R.D. She went to weekly Adobe drop-in classes and learned techniques from Philip Denst. She earned the label “Whimsical Artist,” given to her by artist friends and teachers, which she uses to this day. 

2009 was a serious art period for Molly, when her life experiences merged into and emerged from her paintings. She joined the San Leandro Art Association and from 2017 through 2020 was their president. In 2013 Molly joined A.R.T. Inc. In 2021 she became secretary of their board.

Molly is intrigued by acrylic paints due to their fast drying. She combines gels to add sheen. Lately she’s been trying abstracts using mixed mediums. Her love of nature is expressed in her artwork.

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